Small update to the transition between worlds

Hi! For this week's devlog, we wanted to update you on the progress of our game. Life has been really hectic, so many of the things we've been working on are still unfinished, so sadly we can't share much right now. However, don't worry, we won't leave you hanging! We still wanted to share a small update to make the game even prettier than before! To transition from the 3D world to the 2D battle, we have added new transitions to make it even smoother!

When transitioning to the battle after 3 rounds, a fading circle effect is applied before entering the 2D world:

Similarly, when returning to the 3D board, the same fading circle effect is applied, ensuring a smoother transition.

Now, take a look for yourself with this new demo, and have a nice week :)

PS: The Mac Version will go live a little later, we'll update the dev log once we get it up and running!

Edit: Mac Version is now available :)


PartySnakes_S14ProtoWindows.exe 74 MB
Jul 03, 2023
PartySnakes_S14ProtoMac.dmg 59 MB
Jul 03, 2023

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